Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Beauty Blogger Tag

Hey guys, I was browsing some blog post ideas and came across the Beauty Blogger Tag on Sophia's blog (here) and I thought it looked like a fun tag to do!

1. Name a beauty routine you barely do.

I suck at skincare in general, as long as my makeup is removed and my face feels clean then I'm usually good to go. I was blessed with relatively clear, un marked skin until last year but lately I break out all the time, so despite my reservations (and laziness) I have been using more and more skincare products over the last few months.

2. Is washing your make-up brushes something you do regularly?

I wash them much, much more regularly than I used to, but in all honesty if they get washed more than once a fortnight then I'm doing awfully well. I just can't seem to find the time for it, even though I know my makeup applies 100 times better with clean brushes. I have a set of Real Techniques brushes arriving in the post in the next week so I'll hopefully take better care of them, and no doubt I'll do a little post on whether or not I love them! 

3. How long will you last with chipped nails?

Generally after a day or so I'll just start to pick the rest of the polish off, I bite my nails (I know, ew) so nail polish has a limited existence on my nails, but I do love having perfectly painted finger nails!

4. How long do you put off buying a beauty product or nail polish even if you need it (I.e top coat, foundation and so on)?

This is extremely money dependent, I tend to keep a back up product for the essentials, for example I have an old Rimmel True Match foundation that's a shade or so too dark for me, but will do in a push. However if I really desperately do need something I will usually just bite the bullet and purchase it. 

5. What’s your worst beauty habit?

As I mentioned before, I'm rubbish at skincare- I use face wipes a lot on my skin and I also suck at keeping my brows in check. I'm a bit of a mess all in all! 

6. Name something non beauty related you procrastinate doing all the time.

Literally everything, I am the laziest person in the world- I will put off doing homework until 5 minutes before the class it's due for and don't even get me started on tidying my room or cleaning stuff!

7. When going out somewhere do you leave getting ready until the last minute or not?

In general I tend to be an organised person when it comes to leaving the house, I don't like being late and especially when it comes to going on holiday or even away for the day, I cannot leave packing until the last minute. I still seem to end up running for trains and buses on a weekly basis though!

8. Can you commit to spending bans?

I seem to have to ban myself from spending from around the 20th of every month until payday as I'm terrible for spurning all my cash in the first couple of weeks after I get paid. If I know that I really have to save money, then I will.

9. How organised are your make-up and nail polish collections?

My makeup is a bit of a mess, but my nail polish is all boxed away. I re-use Glossyboxes to store my makeup so while I do know where everything is, my products aren't stacked neatly in labled Muji boxes like the rest of the Beauty blogging world!

10. What’s the longest you’ve gone without writing a blog post?

In the past I have taken months out of blogging, but when I'm actually committed to it- I don't like taking more than a week or so without writing a post. My views go up exponentially when I blog at a regular level so despite what you all might think, I do try to stick to a post every 3 days (or 10 posts a month!) However I did manage to blog every day for a month in July so I could do more. It all depends on my creative output!

Make sure to tag me if you do this post, and check out Sophia! 
Until next time, 

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