Sunday, 4 January 2015

Back to Normal!

Afternoon folks, I head back to school tomorrow (noooooooooo) and so my normal routine will well and truly return as the festive season ends. I've had a lovely December/festive period and have been lucky enough to do lots of lucky things. I also had an amazing time doing Blogmas with you all- which I'm quite proud of myself for completing! 

However, as with life, I need to get back into a routine with blogging and so I've decided that for at least the first part of 2015- I will be uploading for you guys on a Sunday, Tuesday as a Thursday. Since it's the new year it's time for a new start and I am really excited for what this year has to offer. I'll take you lot along for the ride as I travel to South Africa, finish school and start University and truly living with no parental supervision- which is not promising and will likely be quite amusing. 

This was really just a little post to update you on my new schedule, and as always if there's anything you guys would like to see me write about, review or comment on then do feel free to let me know! I really must go now as I've made the classic student error of leaving every single bit of my work till the last minute, and now I have loads to do! I'll see you guys on Tuesday, but until then have a lovely weekend! 

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