About me!

I'm Rachel, and if you've taken time out of your day to have a nosey around my blog you have easily earned yourself a place on my list of top 100 people. I'm seventeen and have been reading since before I could properly walk. My aim for this blog was really to allow myself to ramble on about the books that I love while discovering more that I may love in the future. However I have recently progressed into blogging more about my lifestyle, beauty, music and life in general! I also wanted to improve my own writing style and a blog seemed like the easiest (and cheapest) way to do that. I will read anything but I'm currently interested in dystopian and post apocalyptic novels, which is what seems to be most popular in the young adult market right now. If you have any questions then email me at rachel.smith1411@gmail.com or comment in one of my posts. I follow everybody back on Google+ and there are links to both my twitter and tumblr in the sidebar should you want to visit my other dusty corners of the internet. I pick several blogs for my 'blogs of the month' page so feel free to submit links in the comments boxes, even if you're not a book blog I will check it out! If I've missed anything then I'm reachable via the internet at almost all hours so please, please don't be shy!

1 comment:

  1. THE LIFT by PAUL BRUCE. Available online on Amazon, Waterstones,etc.. And on Amazon Kindle e-book. Give your opinion on it on your Tumblr/twitter/ etc...
    Claimed to be the most frightening horror book ever written.


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