Tuesday 11 February 2014


Morning folks! I hope you've all had a wonderful week so far, and if not then just remember it's only a few days until the weekend? This week I've realised that there are an awful lot of things that I want or have been wishing for. Now some of these items are extremely realistic, and I will most likely treat myself to them as I am a terrible saver, but there are several 'high end' items, including a car, that I suspect are perhaps a little too extravagant to realistically want.. or maybe a lot too extravagant. This was originally going to be a TTT post but I just seem to want far too much stuff.. Woops? I've linked everything I can!

How damn cute are these? A girl can never have too many jammies, so these could well be finding their way into my closet before the end of the month!
2. Vampire Academy Movie

I've spoken about this movie so many times, and both it and the Divergent film are discussed in a post that I'll link here.  Basically I cannot wait to see this and I'm gutted about how much later the UK release date is!

I'm in desperate need of a new pair of jeans before the spring truly starts and these could well be the perfect pair!

If I do end up buying myself this bag it will be extremely unneccesary but I do think this bag is really pretty. Maybe next years school bag.. or a weekend bag.. or maybe I need to stop spending?

5. City Of Heavenly Fire

Anybody who has perused across this blog for a while will be extremely aware of my love for the Mortal Instrument books, so I wait with baited breathe to see how Cassandra Clare ends this wonderful series.

6. Divergent Movies

The post discussing this has already been linked above so I'm going to use this opportunity to discuss how beautiful Theo James is.. ladies? you with me?

Saw this dress on one of my regular browses online and really want it for summer, it's only £13 too!

8. Ed Sheeran's new album

I was lucky enough to see Ed Sheeran live in 2012 and I'm going again in October so I cannot wait for his new album, but I am absolutely certain that he won't disappoint! 

I've been wanting one of these since I saw Marnie wear one in 'Girls' but I don't think this beauty will be my choice as the last time I checked, I do not have £80 to spend on a hair accessory. 

I absolutely adore this brand and own one of their rings but so much of there new collection, especially this necklace, appeals to me. Honestly, everybody should check them out!!

11. McLaren P1

If anybody saw Top Gear on Monday they would have seen this car test driven and honestly.. I think I'm in love? A combination of pioneering technology and some eco-friendly features mean this car is basically being marketed as the start of a new generation of cars. I'm definitely in love.

I am well aware that this is not a new perfume, but I really love how this smells and the bottle is so, so pretty. It's only £19 in boots just now too! Tempting..

A lot time lust, it's just. so. damn. pretty. 

Revlon's newest release, I'm a lover of lip products and I'm kind of surprised I haven't picked a couple of these up yet, will definitely do so before the month is out.

15. Paolo Nutini's new album

I've adored this man since I was 9. Yes, NINE. His first album was purchased on a whim pre-order by my father and it's literally still firmly placed on my phone, in fact- I was listening today. I was beginning to worry that we would never get any more music, but Paolo has announced a new album for the Spring called 'Caustic Love.' There will definitely be an album review up for that in the coming months. Also; LOOK how pretty he is?
Phew. I want a lot of stuff. Of course I won't treat myself to more than a couple of these but it's certainly nice to have things to look forward to. I hope I've inspired a few S/S lusts but please do tell me about things you want/are looking forward to in the comments below. Until next time, adios!

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