Saturday 21 September 2013

FILM FRIDAY: Insidious 2 Review

Hey guys! I'm almost too late to call this Film Friday but if all goes to plan then I should get this posted before the clock strikes midnight, tonight I went with a group of friends to see Insidious 2. Now, I had seen Insidious 1 but I wouldn't say it was necessary for you to have seen it to understand the plot.

Insidious 2 starts as a continuation from the end of Insidious, we see a flashback to Lorraine Lambert trying to help her son Josh, who is suffering from 'bad dreams' by enlisting the help of Carl, a medium and Elise, who is an expert in the supernatural. Elise uses Josh to 'find' the spirit she believes to be tormenting him, and is scrathed in the arm by this spirit. A series of frightening event occur before Lorraine insists that Elise and Carl make Josh forget his ability to see the supernatural world. Flash forward 25 years and Josh Lambert is now a father, and it is his son Dalton who was the main protagonist of the first film, after he falls into a coma from an incident with a spirit, Josh goes into the spirit world to get Dalton at the end of Insidious, and Insidious 2 tells the story of the effects of that, and Josh's possession by another spirit. 

Basically this film is scary, I'm not wonderful with horror but I can handle it and I was scared by this film, however I don't want that to put anybody off because it's not one of those films that you walk away from feeling scared of the shadows because it took such a specific gift/situation for the Lambert's to be possessed. 

The plot gets really complex but I did understand it and it's easy enough to follow as long as you don't spend the entire film with your face behind your hands! I would go and see it again, although I probably won't because I've jumped enough tonight to be quite satisfied for a while! Would definitely recommend it for anybody who wants to go see a horror film scarier than your average Tim Burton but not quite as scary as Grave Encounters, Saw, The Exorcist etc, although I recommend Saw.  Grave Encounters though *shudders.* 

If you guys loved/hated this film or have any questions then feel free to comment below, until next time, have a wonderful weekend!  

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