Tuesday 28 January 2014

TOP TEN TUESDAY: Ten Teen Must Reads

Afternoon everyone, I hope you're having a wonderful week. I'm into my last couple of days of exams so I should be able to return to normal blogging schedule by the end of this week. January has been a ridiculously long month and I absolutely can't wait, especially since pay day isn't until Friday and that is most definitely too far away for my liking. Anyway, this weeks TTT is my 'must reads', basically books I would recommend to all Young Adult readers. 

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

One of my favourite all time YA books, a really unique narrative and it's really interesting to see how the way relatively minor characters in a girls life had enough of an effect to lead to her eventual death. I definitely felt like it could be transferred in a way which made you look at how your gossiping, bitching or how you treat people in general, could have an effect on others. Made me cry multiple times too. 

Harry Potter by J K Rowling


The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

I actually really love this series, the movie for Catching Fire reaffirmed my enjoyment of the franchise and the books are genuinely very intelligent. It seems to be the new milestone for YA books, y'know- the one that people say 'Oh, I think ____ could be the new Hunger Games' So yeah, don't be a book snob and ignore these books because you think they're for 12 year olds.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I know, I know, classics are boring. Except their not, I had a tough time choosing between this and Emma but all of Austen's books are wonderful, even- god forbid- you boys may enjoy them. I know they're not for everybody but give it a try, you never know, you might find a whole new genre you love.

Dickens Books

This is kind of in the same vein as the stuff I just said about Austen, Dickens is a genius- honestly I implore you, pick up Great Expectations the next time you're in a library. You won't regret it. 

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

I feel like in 50 years time TFIOS will be remembered as one of the classics of this era, it is a truly beautiful story and the movie adapation will undoubtably bring even more deserved attention to this wonderful book, and its charismatic author. 

The Hobbit and the Lords of the Rings by J R R Tolkien

 These two are connected obviously so I'll put them together, J R R Tolkien is one of the best writers of all time and the universe he so perfectly creates in these books is one of my favourites. As a beautiful added bonus, the movies are good too.

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

I know, I know everybody hates Twilight, but if you're looking to cover all the bases in YA lit then it has to be done. I liked the books I've got to admit but they're not the best, just imagine Robert Pattison glittering near you. 

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

This book is a national treasure, It's narrated by Death and that itself was enough to get me interested, but the story of the young girl Liesel in worn torn Germany is beautiful, and frankly- a little breathtakingly emotional at times. This book will remain on my bookshelf for many many years to come.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading about my favourite recommendations, there should be a good review up tomorrow unless my Spanish exam goes truly horrendously, but until then- have a wonderful week!

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